BC Parks Foundation
Wildlife Forever
Furthering the ecological integrity and resilience of parks
British Columbia contains more biodiversity than anywhere else in North America and is home to over 75 per cent of Canada’s mammals. With the increasing pressures of climate change, park usership and other stress factors, we are seeing impacts on wildlife and other values that parks were established to protect. As a result, there is a need to develop a deeper understanding of our parks and how we can protect and enhance them into the future.
Our Wildlife Forever program uses various forms of data collection including remote wildlife cameras, eDNA and community science initiatives to grow our understanding of the state of B.C.'s parks. These combined tactics and technological advances are leading to unprecedented levels of observations which help to inform management decisions and engage a critical network of park stewards throughout the province.
By combining insights from new big data analytics technology, we can create more holistic views of wildlife and their habitats, along with lasting conservation outcomes.
- Nearly 3 million observations in B.C. recorded by community scientists on iNaturalist and other nature-observation apps
- More than 30,000 individual community scientists actively uploading observations
- Knowledge of the threats facing key species - mainly climate change - is being continuously updated and is contributing to the development of mitigation measures, recovery plans and management strategies.
Thank you to our Wildlife Forever program partners:
See below for more information on current projects.
“Every plant, animal or tree that dies creates a better foundation for other plants to grow and animals to thrive. As such, let’s accept and be grateful for the dead ends, plans or projects that we lose: because these create a stronger and more enlightened foundation for us to build something better for our future.